• October 22, 2021
  • Melissa Hersh

University of Washington

NWB Integration – Brunton Lab

CatalystNeuro converted whole-day ECoG and behavioral recordings associated with the manuscript “Behavioral and Neural Variability of Naturalistic Arm Movements” (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.17.047357v2) to Neurodata Without Borders. We assisted in the publication of this data on DANDI, and publicly released the conversion code and some example code for accessing the data from NWB. We also provided interactive visualizations that allow data users to explore the data in the published NWB files.


Software Development – Buffalo Lab

CatalystNeuro built infrastructure around the existing lab records database to make this data more easily integrated into the lab’s workflow. CatalystNeuro, collaborating with Monadical, together provided expertise in neural data management and software engineering and delivering the following services: support and maintenance of existing database; migration from excel files into the database; a query “cookbook” in MATLAB that connects directly to the database and illustrates queries for a number of different practical queries; and a dashboard for visualization of the records data.